We see that the first step in learning how to effective multitasking is to understand that, contrary to popular belief, multitasking does not necessarily mean doing many things at once and that is what students must learn. Instead, we see that it is the ability to switch between different tasks seamlessly as well as manage their priorities. We see that while effective multitasking pros may come across as people who can do a dozen things on the fly, in reality, they are people with exceptional time management as well as organizational skills. The students have to learn things such as erp full form and at the same time take part in extracurricular activities as well. What they can do for that is to learn that a to-do list is their best friend as well. We see that if they don’t have a to-do list, they must make one. We see whether effective multitasking is in the form of a checklist or a calendar, they must know exactly the things they need to accomplish and record them. More importantly, once they create that list, keep revisiting it throughout their days and update it frequently as well. They may want to divide this list into categories, such as personal, as well as study along with the work so they don’t lose sight of all their responsibilities. They must also work on prioritizing and group tasks as well. We see that their to-do list may be long but don’t be overwhelmed as well. Next, they must work on prioritizing the most important needs within each category and, when possible, try to group related items. For instance, say they are studying for the SAT math section but also need to complete a math homework assignment as well. They may also have science, English, as well as other subject-related tasks, but try to work on the two math items within the same general time frame to keep their brain focused on math, rather than making it switch back as well as forth between various subjects. They must also know when to focus as well. We see that in listing their tasks and making their to-do list, it is critical to recognize as well as note what items require full attention. When they are preparing for an important exam or presentation, for example, it is not the time to try to juggle several things as well. Because we see that people are most productive when they do one thing at a time, as those who are masterful at multitasking understand when multitasking is not a good option as well. We see that they can also de-clutter and make use of downtime as well. Whether we see that it’s an inbox overflowing with old emails, a desktop cluttered with random downloads, as well as a desk piled high with paperwork, clutter will derail their attempts to multitask. If they get distracted every time they open their laptop or sit down at their desk, then make a list of the simple organizational things they need to accomplish and add them to their to-do list as non-priority items. When they have downtime – like when they are waiting for a ride or phone call – they can use those spare moments to multitask and cross these items off their list. They must also remember to not overload. We see that as a great computer, we know that the human brain has an amazing capacity. But, we see that like any computer, if they ask it to do too much at once, it will begin to falter as well. We see that the reason why they have to keep in check the number of programs they have running on their laptop and give it a restart is the same reason why they have to give themselves time away from their tasks and to-do lists as well. A good Learning management system can be seen to work on that. We see that just like any other muscle, as the brain gets tired. There we sometimes see that quickly switching from one thing to another can easily tire it out as well. All this can help them do everything effectively.