Janavee Goswami (Jumma) Tik Tok star age, height, city, career, bio and more

Janavee Goswami (Jumma) Tik Tok star age, height, city, career, bio and more

Short Biography :

Janavee Goswami urf Jumma is a famous Tik Tok star and model from Gujarat, India. Janavee Goswami’s age is 22 years old and she was born in 1998. She is very talented and has an amazing personality. Janavee Goswami is having more than 660k followers and 8.2 M likes in Tik Tok and she is on the way to 1M followers on Tik Tok. Janavee is famous for her beautiful look and special lip-sync videos on Tik Tok.

Janavee Goswami (Jumma) Tik Tok star age, height, city, career, bio and more

Janavee Goswami (Jumma) Tik Tok star age, height, city, career, bio and more
Janavee Goswami (Jumma) Tik Tok star age, height, city, career, bio and more

Personal Info:

Full Name: Janavee Goswami

Nick Name: Jumma

Date of Birth: 1998

Birth Place: Bayad, Gujarat

Home Town: Bayad, Gujarat

Nationality: Indian

Religion: Hindu

Food Habit: Pizza

School: Update soon

College: Update soon

Qualification: Update soon

Hobbies: Acting, Dancing

Marital Status: Single

Favorite Actor: Ranveer Singh

Favorite Actress: Alia Bhatt

Favorite Tik Tok star : Awez Darbar, Riyaz Aly

Body Measurements :

Height: 5 Feet 3 Inch (Approx)

Weight: 48 (Approx)

Eye Colour: Light Brown

Hair Colour: Black

Family :

Father: Name to be updated soon

Mother: Name to be updated soon

Sister: Hetanshee Goswami

Brother: Name to be updated soon

Social Media :

Tik Tok : 

Followers: 1.1 Million (As of April 2020)


Followers: 54.6K (As of April 2020)

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